Софтуерната революция за 4.0 оптимизация на работата
С F4Guide стандартите от Индустрия 4.0 също стават достъпни за търговията. Разбираемо за всички, без да инвестирате в мрежови нови машини или високотехнологични системи. Пълният софтуерен пакет винаги се побира, независимо от съществуващото машинно оборудване.
С F4Guide, F4Solutions предоставя цялата необходима информация по всяко време, дори на всички неавтоматизирани машини, и позволява високоефективна оптимизация на работата 4.0 със своята система с три баркода.
FORMAT4. Безкомпромисно представяне за най-високите изисквания
Премиум маркатаFelder Group отговаря на най-високите стандарти на професионалните потребители от 2001 г. до сега. Персонализираните високоефективни решения със безкомпромисно иновативни предложения, предлагат максимален комфорт при работа и абсолютна производителност.
Най-важните предимства накратко
With the digital assistant F4Guide to a networked production
F4Guide with its 3-barcode system 4.0 enables work optimisation. Understandable for everyone, without investing in new networked machines and high-tech systems, F4Solutions makes the step towards networked production including Industry 4.0 standards affordable even for craft businesses with standard machines.
Revolutionary barcode system
The 3-barcode system of the F4Guide allows an insight into the production process at any time and shows all work steps. Simply scanning the respective barcode transfers the data to the F4Guide and guides you through the further processing procedure with detailed drawings and 3D data. No more enquiries, no additional steps, no mountains of paperwork.
Your reliable partner for the entire production process
As a reliable partner, F4Guide assists throughout the entire workshop and networks planning, calculation, production and assembly. From the individual piece of furniture up to the planning of entire floors: Each component gets a component label, which leads through the entire production process with cutting, special machining, mortising and edgebanding – all this directly on the machine.
Запазете фокуса, докато реализирате идеите си!
F4Guide with its 3-barcode system 4.0 enables work optimisation. Understandable for everyone, without investing in new networked machines and high-tech systems, F4Solutions makes the step towards networked production including Industry 4.0 standards affordable even for craft businesses with standard machines.
As a reliable partner, F4Guide assists throughout the entire workshop and networks planning, calculation, production and assembly. From the individual piece of furniture up to the planning of entire floors: Each component gets a component label, which leads through the entire production process with cutting, special machining, mortising and edgebanding – all this directly on the machine.
The 3-barcode system of the F4Guide allows an insight into the production process at any time and shows all work steps. Simply scanning the respective barcode transfers the data to the F4Guide and guides you through the further processing procedure with detailed drawings and 3D data. No more enquiries, no additional steps, no mountains of paperwork.
All necessary data for the production are generated directly from the drawing, which was created during the planning phase in F4Design. Turning, zooming, measuring and many other functions guarantee absolute transparency of the production process, the assembly or the installation - this is only possible with F4Guide.
All parts can be clearly identified through the combination of parts list and 3D drawing. The distinct components name makes reproduction of damaged components quick and easy. Thus, there is no confusion or manufacturing errors.
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